Site Updates

It is with great sadness that I find myself penning the hardest news post I’ve ever needed to write here at AnandTech. After over 27 years of covering the wide – and wild – world of computing hardware, today is AnandTech’s final day of publication. For better or worse, we’ve reached the end of a long journey – one that started with a review of an AMD processor, and has ended with the review of an AMD processor. It’s fittingly poetic, but it is also a testament to the fact that we’ve spent the last 27 years doing what we love, covering the chips that are the lifeblood of the computing industry. A lot of things have changed in the last quarter-century – in 1997 NVIDIA...

Site News: December 1st Outage

As many of you noticed, AnandTech has spent several hours offline today. We are still in recovery mode at the moment (as I write this, the site has been...

31 by Ryan Smith on 12/1/2022

From There to Here, and Beyond

I’ll be the first to admit, I had no history with AnandTech before I joined. It was by sheer chance, meeting one of the writers at an overclocking event...

74 by Dr. Ian Cutress on 2/18/2022

AnandTech Call for Writers: 2021

The Call for Writers is something of an annual tradition over here at AnandTech. As anyone who follows the site knows very well, the list of things we have...

66 by Ryan Smith on 4/23/2021

Victory Lap: Team AnandTech Fights COVID, Beats Tom’s Hardware in Folding Race

Just under a month ago, I put out the call: AnandTech's readers were needed once more to defend the honor of the site in the most nerdy of contests...

21 by Ryan Smith on 4/16/2020

Folding@Home Coronavirus Race, AnandTech vs. Tom’s Hardware: Two Week Check-In

As many of us are stuck at home these days and are slowly quickly going mad, a couple of weeks ago we kicked off a race of sorts with...

40 by Ryan Smith on 4/3/2020

Help Fight COVID-19 and Tom's Hardware: Join The Great Folding@Home Coronavirus Race

Stuck at home for the foreseeable future, we here at AnandTech are doing the only thing that we can do: getting into trouble and picking fights. And we want...

61 by Ryan Smith on 3/18/2020

AnandTech Forums XenForo 2.0 Upgrade Today (11/14)

For our forum regulars who may be wondering what’s going on – or even just onlookers who are curious as to what’s up at AnandTech – you’ll want to...

12 by Ryan Smith on 11/14/2018

Future plc to Acquire Consumer Division of AnandTech Publisher Purch

In a change of pace from the usual, we have some news about ourselves this morning. Future plc, a competing UK publisher, has announced that they will be buying the...

60 by Ryan Smith on 7/18/2018

Coming March 12th: Tom's Hardware versus AnandTech - Folding@Home Round 2

Way back in the year 2016 we held a friendly but none the less highly competitive cutthroat competition with our colleagues arch rivals over at sister Purch publication Tom’s...

7 by Ryan Smith on 3/9/2018

AnandTech Goes HTTPS: All Encryption, All the Time

If you’re reading this, then congratulations! You have successfully accessed AnandTech over HTTPS. I’m pleased to announce that as of this afternoon, all AnandTech pages and websites are now being...

87 by John Campion & Ryan Smith on 9/18/2017

AnandTech Parent Company Employee Killed in Terrorist Attack

We lost a friend and a colleague to terrorism yesterday (Aug. 17). Bruno Gulotta, 35, an employee of Tom's Hardware Italy — a brand owned by AnandTech parent company Purch...

39 by Ryan Smith on 8/18/2017

Celebrating AnandTech’s 20th Anniversary: 1997 - 2017

This morning we’re celebrating a rather special occasion over here at AnandTech: our 20th anniversary. Though in a lot of ways it seems like the years have gone by...

310 by Ryan Smith on 4/26/2017

Victory Lap: Team AnandTech Beats Tom’s Hardware in Folding Race

At the start of this month we kicked off a week-long competition with our frenemies over at Tom’s Hardware. Striving to see which technology website was superior, our respective...

14 by Ryan Smith on 12/13/2016

Fold Proteins for Charity & Help AnandTech Beat Tom’s Hardware: Starting December 1st

As we approach the holiday season, the fantastic community team that’s responsible for keeping tabs on our publisher’s technology forums – the AnandTech Forums and the Tom’s Hardware Forums...

41 by Ryan Smith on 12/5/2016

This Weekend's AnandTech Forums Upgrade

Update 08/06 16:30 ET: And we're done, the new forums are live. Taking a break from our usual technology news, we have a bit of site news to discuss this...

42 by Ryan Smith on 8/4/2016

Behind The Scenes: Evaluating NAS Units with Solution-Based Benchmarks

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit a leading NAS vendor and provide some insights on how we evaluate NAS units. In particular, the talk dealt with the importance...

17 by Ganesh T S on 10/29/2015

AnandTech Acquired By Purch

Over the past several years AnandTech has grown to be much more than just a PC hardware review site. In fact, we consider ourselves to be just as much...

345 by Ryan Smith on 12/17/2014

Meet the New Boss

Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss. If you had told me 15 years ago that I would one day be the Editor in Chief for AnandTech, there’s...

94 by Ryan Smith on 8/30/2014

The Road Ahead

Both of my parents were teachers, and for as long as I can remember they both encouraged me to do something in life that would help others. I figured...

554 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/30/2014

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