Final Words

I think Google really hit the nail on the head with Android Lollipop. It evokes the same sort of feeling that the release of iOS 7 did, without some of the negative experiences that followed. Getting a brand new interface is always exciting, as it can dramatically change how it feels to use your phone. Moving from KitKat to Lollipop still provides you with a familiar Android experience, but it almost feels like getting a brand new phone in a way. There's a brand new UI, and big improvements to performance. But unlike the upgrade to iOS 7, Android Lollipop hasn't plagued my devices with application crashes and other bugs. In fact, I haven't really noticed any significant bugs at all after upgrading to Lollipop, which says a great deal about the work Google has put into testing to make sure things are stable. 

Material Design impresses me, and I think it's going to be around for many years to come. I find this feeling reassuring, as Google has a track record of redesigning large portions of Android with every major release. With the past designs, I never really felt like they were going to stick around for very long, and they never did. Material Design feels like Google has finally gotten Android to where they want it to be, with an interface that doesn't need any OEM overlays to be presentable. Of course, some OEMs will never change their policy of putting their own skin, but that's something Google isn't going to be able to fix. While we may see very iterative changes to Lollipop's interface in future updates, I don't think they're going to be anything beyond changes to the placement of buttons or the color of icons. Material Design also extends far beyond your Android device. It will eventually apply to all of Google's services on all platforms, so that your web browser, your tablet, your smartphone, and even your watch will all look and behave similarly. 

The performance increases are also greatly appreciated. Android hardware has advanced rapidly, and the move to a new application runtime is overdue, but warmly welcomed. The improvements it can bring to a device are actually amazing; it can feel like getting a brand new phone. The interface performance on Android still isn't quite perfect, but to be quite honest, it's not at all alone in this regard. I can name areas of every major smartphone OS that are susceptible to drops in frame rate, it's just not possible to write perfect software. I think what can be said is that overall, Android is pretty much at the same level as Windows Phone and iOS for animation smoothness and general performance. There is still the exception of certain poorly written applications which are up to developers to fix, and some of these even come from Google themselves, but I'm confident that we're moving toward a point where these remaining issues will be fixed simply because they aren't acceptable anymore.  

Of course, the last thing to discuss about an Android update is whether or not you're going to get it. Unfortunately, I still can't answer this question for most users. Android's nature means that Google doesn't have any influence over users receiving their updates, except the users that have Nexus and Google Play Edition devices. Although I can't guarantee you an update, I can say that the situation is looking good for more users than it has in the past. We've seen updates ship in record time from companies like LG, NVIDIA, and Motorola, and they should be commended for putting in the effort to get updates out to users in a reasonable time. Other companies like HTC have made promises to update their flagship devices from this year and last year to Lollipop within a 90 day time frame. While this doesn't cover every Android user in the world, it covers more users than we've ever seen in the past.

Going into the future, there are some improvements Google should make. Continuing to work on the performance of problematic applications is definitely necessary, as they stand out more than ever alongside a library of extremely well performing apps. I think it would be worth it to start creating special landscape layouts for applications, and to introduce more features that take advantage of larger displays. Google has entered the phablet market with the Nexus 6, and they need to create software that provides a reason for having such large devices. The only other thing they need to do is to continue innovating and improving, which they've been able to do time and time again. We haven't yet seen everything that Android Lollipop has to offer, as developers are only beginning to take advantage of the new APIs and features it brings. But with a great new interface, new applications, a new runtime, and new users adopting Android every day, the future of Android certainly looks bright.

Camera2, ART, and Performance
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  • tralalalalalala40 - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    iOS users welcome Android users to 2015, only 8 years late on a smooth UI!

    Better late than never. Consumers win!
  • blzd - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    Didn't iOS just get the ability to install a custom keyboard? lol fanboys.
  • ruthan - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    Im still waiting for PC support - with app in window mode and multimonitor support and virtualisation and more PC HW drivers. They already have x86 build for tablets, even small 1 man project Android-x86 is now number 8 on linux distrowatch.

    Linux is dammed (something wrong fix it from terminal.. is show stopper for normal user) but Android could be way for good free desktop PC, users already know how to use it.
  • HackerForHire - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    I was hoping for a paragraph or 2 on the improvements in low latency audio. It's unfortunate that audio always seems to be left out of the mix for most OS reviews.
  • tuxRoller - Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - link

    Look at reddit for this. Folks have adjust tested it and it still isn't usable (midi to USB).
    The system audio latency hasn't changed, iirc.
    Regardless of I/o talks Google simply doesn't care about either audio or low touch latency.
  • BobSwi - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    Didnt care for it, actually was the main factor in trying out rooting my Nexus 5. Flashed Kitkat and then Slimkat 8 in less than 2 hours from never having done it before.
  • REBERY - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    Odd that you would do an entire review on Android and miss arguably the single biggest improvement that this OS provides...namely, the ability for "OK Google" to be active at all times (a la Motorola). Having a personal assistant always available is a huge plus.
  • Impulses - Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - link

    Kit Kat was already halfway there with the stock launcher (post updates), you could call it up while within any app or with a locked phone if it was charging.
  • pgari - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    I have yet to acept the Lollipop update in my N5, as I did not like the Calendar update with its new Material Design (lost ofnow in the weekly view you see only six hours per day, forcing you to scroll)
    As others, I also do not like the mostly white background neither the lost of the separate keys in the Keyboard and Calculator (as shown in this review)

    Regarding ART, you mention that it stores a pre-compilation after the first use of the application, so reducing the available storage space, but did not quantify by how much.
  • dblkk - Monday, December 1, 2014 - link

    The more I read about lollipop the less interested I am, and the more I hope Samsung doesn't force the upgrade on my Note 4.

    Everything moving to white instead of black is a huge one for me. As a Note 4 owner/user, blacks are my batteries best friend, and as a 30yr old I feel black background white text is easier on the eyes, especially in a darker environment.

    I also see a lot of the specific apps that are coming with lollipop are already available for download in the play store. I've tried them all, mail/calander/messanger and ive still reverted back to samsungs software. Mail is nice, but my main accounts are live and yahoo. The organization and just readability in the 'email' app are in my opinion vastly superior to inbox/mail. Messanger is nice, but I like samsungs messages just a tad better. My common's are on top of the feed, and instead of random colors assigned to people, its all custom and for me set up as a photo for each. The calendar app, I don't see much of a change, and don't care to much about. The app drawer with its transparency on kit cat are much nicer than the white background that just jumps out at you, and the notification center on my note 4 is way more easy and functional than the upgrade will be.

    I haven't looked into the 64bit and performance upgrades with lollipop vs kitcat, but I have no issues at all right now, so that's I guess welcome performance boost, but not needed and not going to make me upgrade.

    I do really hope that lollipop wont be forced, and if it is that this whole white theme can be brought back to dark. But honestly just don't want to upgrade.

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